Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Newest Experiment Idea

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything for a little while. I actually got a little discouraged a couple of times over the last few weeks. That first batch I made was great. Everyone that tried them loved them. Ever since then, however, I haven't been able to find the right balance of ingredients. I've been researching information about many of the energy bars that are currently on the market and have honestly become a little overwhelmed with all the different ingredient possibilities.

With that in mind, I have decided to do a little experiment. I have never really payed attention to how well any one energy bar boosts my performance, if any, over any other bar..until now. Starting this week I plan to ride twice a week. Once I will ride having eaten an energy bar 15 minutes before I start, and the second time I will ride not having eaten an energy bar at all. I'll list some of the details of the experiment in a second, but the hope is that each week I will notice, and document, the benefit I feel from using one specific energy bar over not using any. Each week I will try a new bar and record my results. After I find the energy bar that has given me the best results then I will use some of that bar's ingredients in my own.

Sound confusing? Good.

Here are the details of my experiment:

Independent Variable - Choice of Energy bar, or lack thereof.

Dependent/Responding Variable - Resulting performance

Constants - (These may be difficult) Route. Diet prior to excercise. Amount of sleep I get the night before. Amount of water I drink. Weather.

My belief is that if I eat an energy bar before I go mountain biking, then I will notice an increase in my performance. My hope is that I will be able to notice a difference between an energy bar that is made of natural, organic ingredients and one that is not.

I will post prior to riding which bar I have chosen and it's ingredients.


  1. Did it not post my comment yesterday? I was saying you should do it blind and have Sophie give you the bars unwrapped so it doesn't bias your opinion of the bar and make you think it is better or worse than it is...

  2. Good idea. I'm planning on doing a ride this week so I'll have to try it that way this time.
